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Oakwood High School


Attendance Office

Please call the attendance office at 937-297-5330 if your child has to miss school for any reason. While we appreciate as much notice as possible concerning appointments, the attendance line is monitored throughout the school day, so feel free to leave a message. Your request will be acted on within a few minutes. You may also send a note in with your student to the attendance office. Your child will be given a slip to show his or her teacher when it's time to leave class.

Bell Schedule

Attendance Policy

Ohio Revised Code, Section 3321.01: All children between ages six (6) and eighteen (18) are of compulsory school age and must attend school.

Ohio Revised Code, Section 3321.03: It is the parent’s responsibility to cause the child to attend school. Although the compulsory attendance laws of Ohio and State Board of Education regulations on attendance require rigorous enforcement by the school administration and faculty, of far greater significance to the student should be the fact that his attendance record is frequently instrumental in determining his future. Absenteeism also affects a student’s ability to function at an optimum level. Some work that is missed in the classroom cannot be adequately made up. Sometimes absenteeism can have a major impact on the final grade a student receives for a given subject.

Attendance Personnel: The attendance officer and the principal are responsible for attendance matters and conduct follow-up work regarding all attendance discrepancies, including class cuts, truancies, and excessive tardiness. The attendance secretary maintains attendance records and assists with attendance matters and contacting parents/guardians.

Reporting and Monitoring Student Absences:
ATTENDANCE LINE – (937) 297-5330

• It is the obligation of the parent/guardian to report the child’s absence or tardy each day the student is absent.
• The parent/guardian should phone the high school attendance office before the beginning of the school day and before the start of the 19 afternoon session each day the student is absent. The attendance line is monitored throughout the day.
• A student who accumulates five absences, excused or unexcused, will receive a letter stating the number of absences and explaining the truancy laws, guidelines and consequences.
• A school logged parent/guardian phone call received by the attendance office, on each day of the student’s absence, for any excused absences below, is sufficient to excuse the student’s absence. After the student’s eighth (8th) parent phone call, upon the student’s return to school the parent/guardian shall provide written documentation from a treating physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant stating the day(s) absent and reason for such absence. If within two (2) school days after returning to school following an absence, written documentation has not been received, the absence will be “unexcused.”
• The parent/guardian (and not the school) maintains responsibility to make certain the telephone call and/or absence note was submitted to the proper school attendance authority in a timely fashion.
• If the parent/guardian fails to contact the school and school personnel have to initiate contact with the parent/guardian via phone call and they DO NOT make direct contact with a parent/guardian the absence will be considered unexcused until a parent/guardian makes direct contact with the attendance office on the day of the student’s absence. After that date, the student must submit a written parent note within two (2) days to excuse the absence.
Excused Absences:
• Personal illness
• Illness in the family
• Death of a relative
• Medical or dental appointment
• Observance of religious holiday
• Trips on which the student is accompanied by his/her parent(s) and about which advanced written notice has been given to the school
• An emergency or situation, which in the judgment of the administration constitutes a good and sufficient case.

24-Hour Guideline: If your child has a high fever and/or vomiting, allow 24 hours of normal temperature and no vomiting/diarrhea before sending the child back to school. Certain effects of illness remain after the temperature is normal.

Documentation of Absence/Tardy: Generally, eight (8) absences from school per school year or five (5) tardies to school per school year for the reasons identified as “Excused Absences” may be documented by a parent/guardian phone call. Absences in excess of eight (8) per school year or tardies in excess of five (5) per school year may not be excused by a parent and shall require documentation by the child’s treating physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant – unless an absence is otherwise excused by the principal due to an unusual circumstance. 20 Application of these general guidelines may be waived by school officials where circumstances indicate that its application does not serve the student’s best interest. Nothing contained in this attendance regulation is intended nor should be construed as restricting the discretion of school officials to make such inquiries and request such verification/documentation as is reasonably necessary to determine if an absence/tardy is for any of the reasons identified in this regulation as “Excused Absences.”

Unexcused Absences and Truancy: Truancy is defined by Ohio Revised Code, Section 3313.609, as “any absence that is not excused.”

Tardy to School: Five (5) tardies equals one day absence. Tardy to individual class periods is handled on an in-school basis and not included in the five (5) tardies.

Consequences: Excessive Tardiness – This policy renews itself at the beginning of each grading period.

1st and 2nd Offense – No penalty
3rd, 4th, 5th Offense – One detention each
6th, 7th, 8th Offense – One Saturday School each

The building principal may assign alternative forms of discipline to match the intended consequence for tardiness and truancy, including referral to Montgomery County Juvenile Court.

Truancy Charges Filed in Court: Truancy charges may be filed against students who become chronic or habitual truants. “Contributing” charges may be filed against the parent(s)/guardian(s).

Habitual Truancy =
30 or more consecutive hours
42 hours or more in a month
72 hours or more in 1 school year

Student Vacations During the School Year:
Whenever a proposed absence-for-vacation is requested, parents must discuss it with the building administrator in advance. The length of absence should be made clear, and those involved should have an opportunity to express their views on the potential effects of the absence. The District will only excuse a student’s absence for a vacation when the principal has been informed in advance and the student will be in the company of his/her own parent or other family relatives, or if there are extenuating circumstances deemed appropriate by the principal. If the principal does not excuse the absence, the student’s absence will be considered unexcused and subject to truancy regulations. If the absence is excused, the student may be given approximate assignments and materials and pages to be completed, based upon applicable due dates (per student handbook). Revised 9/24/2012, © Neola 2011

Appointments During the School Day:
If your child/student has a dental, medical, or other professional appointment, he should report to the attendance office with a parental note before the 21 morning or afternoon session of the absence. He will be given an excuse slip, which will excuse him from classes at the appropriate time. Please make prior arrangements for pick up location. Alternatively, feel free to call the attendance line, or leave a message, throughout the day if your student needs an early dismissal for an appointment.

Leaving School Before Regular Dismissal: If a student must leave the school premises for any reason prior to the regular dismissal of school, the student must receive approval of the principal, a counselor, the attendance office or the school nurse. In such cases, parents will be contacted so that they may give permission for their child to leave the premises early.

Senior Sign Out:
Seniors may elect to be excused from school if they have a study hall during period 1, 4, 5 or 7. This privilege requires permission from the parent and principal. Permission forms are available in the guidance office and must be completed for the first and second semester. This privilege can be revoked if a student is not in good academic standing.

Senior Service Days:
Seniors are obligated to perform three six-hour days of community service prior to graduation. These are considered school days for our seniors. These follow the last official class day for our seniors.

Attendance and After-school Activities:
Students in all activities are required to be present at least one-half of any day in which they will be performing or participating in an event after school hours. A senior sign out counts as being in attendance. Exceptions to this rule require advance administrative approval.

Make-up Work:
Excused absences and tardies allow students to make-up all missed class work, tests, and assignments. The general rule is the length of make-up opportunity is equivalent to the length of the absence. Students may not make-up class work, tests, and assignments due to unexcused absences or tardies. However, if a student is absent when an assignment is due for which the student had prior knowledge, and for which the reason for the absence would not preclude completing it, the assignment is due on the day the student returns to school.

Policy for Collecting Make-up Work:
If your child is out three or more days sick, work can be collected for pick up by contacting teachers via email or contacting their guidance counselor. If your child is out less than three days we ask that they do what they can by checking the teacher websites.